Parish Giving

Parish Giving

Your guide to launch the Pushpay giving solution to your parish.

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Welcome to the Parish Giving Implementation Path

At Pushpay, we're all about helping our customers strengthen their communities by making it easier for people to connect and get involved. We can't wait to see generosity and participation in your community rise to the next level.

Along this implementation journey, you'll complete various lessons that walk you through easy-to-follow steps to successfully launch the Pushpay giving solution.

From start to finish, the giving launch process will take between 3-5 weeks. You can expect to spend 1-2 hours each week studying the course content and completing each step to success.

There will be status checks throughout the courses to share any questions you may have, along with a confirmation for your expected dates of completion for each step.

Our main correspondence will be through email. Feel free to reach us anytime at if you have any questions.

Click the 'Get Started' button above to begin!